

Change.  We all experience it.  It is inevitable.  We can’t stop it.  It’s okay.  Change let’s us know that we are alive.  How we handle change, how we embrace change, how we accept change…that’s what makes the difference.  Since my last post: Started a new position at work Received my college degree Became an empty-nester […]


I’m Still Here

Has it really been a year since I’ve posted here?  The evidence points to “yes”.  Yikes.   It has been a very eventful year.  I started back to school, so all my free time (and some not-so-free time) has been focused on achieving a lifelong goal of completing my college education.  I have another year to […]

Where Oh Where….

…are you tonight? Why did you leave me here all alone? I searched the world over and thought I found true love. You met another… and… pfthhh you were gone! So, where ya been?  How ya doing?  What’s goin on?   It appears that I have been MIA for quite some time.  I will confess that […]


The first weddings

It was inevitable.  The first of my daughters friends have gotten married.   Two weddings in two weekends.  As she and her friends graduate from college and begin their careers, the next obvious step for them is marriage and family. This weekend, I had the pleasure of witnessing one of her friends getting married.  This wedding […]



After 15 years, 5 homes, two teenagers, and one puppy it was finally time to retire the living room furniture.   My kids will soon be moving out and will provide a happy home for…. BEFORE I have recently adopted and given a good home to….. AFTER Hmmm….notice the red?  Not sure how THAT happened!

The cycle repeats itself

During my trip back to Colorado last weekend, I got to see my brothers and sister.   We took a ride out to the family farm, where my brother is holding down the fort (quite nicely, I might add.) The first thing I noticed is that my Dad immediately got into a conversation with my brother…asking […]

What’s REALLY Important?

Ring. Ring. Hi Barb!  How are you?  Are you coming to Denver for Joy’s retirement party? No…I’m so busy, things going on, gotta keep working. By the end of the 45 minute conversation with my dear friend, Angela, there was no doubt. Angela, I’m coming. Why the sudden change?  It was for Joy.  Talking with […]

What’s New?

If it seems like I have been MIA…well, perhaps I have been.  I have spent the last two weeks celebrating my  birthday.   I think I will continue celebrating for a while, if you don’t mind. In the mean time…I received this photo today from Tammi and Adam.  It’s a photo with my sister and Mom […]

The rest of the story…Nice shoes!

When I first started publishing on this blog almost two years ago, I wrote the story of how I came to name my blog “Nice Shoes and more life observations”.  Well…I only told you half of the story.   It is now time that I reveal the other half. Yes, my grandmother often commented that you […]

Graduation Day!

I’m a very proud Mama.  Connie crossed the stage on Sunday at Whitworth University graduation ceremony. She graduated cum laude!   Congratulations CJ.  We love you!